Author Archives: Biolab

Organ donation: for a life that goes … another is reborn!

In Italy, 3,190 transplants were performed in 2006, while in 2007 transplants fell to 3,043. All the fault of the increase of “NO” to the donation! This is because relatives oppose the removal of the organs of their loved ones. Oppositions to the removal of organs take place because there is a lack of dissemination […]

Addiction: Fentanyl … at worst! There is never an end.

The latest trend in drug addiction has arrived, already in northern Europe, from the USA where a new synthetic drug, from the opiate family, named Fentanyl, which is producing, in very small doses, effects much more devastating than the heroin. Consider that the lethal dose consists in the intake of a few micrograms (ug) of […]

Fibromyalgia: the “INVISIBLE” disease

La fibromialgia è una malattia quasi invisibile, debilitante e difficile da diagnosticare. Si verifica principalmente nelle donne attraverso muscoli cronici diffusi e dolori articolari: Fatica; Problemi di concentrazione; Altri sintomi: fisici e mentali. CAUSE I fattori scatenanti di questa malattia non sono del tutto chiari: appaiono a seguito di un evento traumatico o dopo un […]

Celiac disease: symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Celiac disease is a disease of genetic origin and of an inflammatory nature mainly characterized by the destruction of the mucosa (superficial part of the small intestine) triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed subjects. It is an immune reaction to gluten; which are proteins we find in some cereals, such as: Wheat; […]

Do you want more precise analyzes? Longer lasting reagents? Do you want to save more time? Choose our dry chemistry.

Dry chemistry, is an analytical technology based on the use of lyophilized reagents that rehydrates only at the time of analysis, with the addition of the sample (serum, plasma or whole blood). This technology brings two main advantages: long reagent expirations, allows the operator to use it in a long time, the stability of the […]

Venipuncture, how to do it?

The withdrawal consists of acquiring a venous blood sample in order to investigate the patient’s state of health. To avoid errors in execution, it is important to have it performed by competent personnel (doctor, nurse, biologist). The repetition of an incorrect withdrawal, besides being an economic waste (costs of non-quality) is a damage and an […]



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