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Showing 81–100 of 352 results
Cobas HbA1c Haemolysant (1000 mL)
Cobas HbA1c Hemolyse Solution (51 mL)
Cobas HbA1c TQ (150 tests)
Cobas HDL Cholesterol New (350 tests)
Cobas Homocysteine (100 tests)
Cobas Integra ASO (ASLO) (100 tests)
Cobas Integra Clean (150 tests)
Cobas Integra Cleaner (1 liters)
Cobas Integra Diluent Serum SDR II (200 mL)
Cobas Integra ISE Calibrator Direct (250 mL)
Cobas Integra Microcuvette (20.000 pieces)
Cobas Integra Phenobarbital (200 tests)
Cobas Iron (200 tests)
Cobas ISE Activator (9×12 mL)
Cobas ISE Chloride Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Diluent (5×300 mL)
Cobas ISE Potassium Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Reference (5×300 mL)
Cobas ISE Reference Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Sodium Electrode (1 piece)
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