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Showing 1–20 of 49 results
.MicroProfit Fluorecare Incubator
.MicroProfit Fluorecare Reader FIA monotest
Alpha Fetoprotein -AFP- (20 tests)
Fluorecare AMH -Anti-Mullerian Hormone- (20 tests)
Fluorecare Beta-HCG -Beta Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin- (20 tests)
Fluorecare C-Peptide (20 tests)
Fluorecare CA-125 (20 tests)
Fluorecare CA-15.3 (20 tests)
Fluorecare CA-19.9 (20 tests)
Fluorecare Calprotectin Quantitative (20 tests)
Fluorecare CEA (20 tests)
Fluorecare CK-MB -Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme- (20 tests)
Fluorecare Cortisol (20 tests)
Fluorecare CRP -C-Reactive Protein- (20 tests)
Fluorecare CYFRA 21-1 Cytokeratin 21-1 (20 tests)
Fluorecare Cystatin C -Cys-C- (20 tests)
Fluorecare D-Dimer (20 tests)
Fluorecare Estradiol E2 (20 tests)
Fluorecare Ferritin -FERR- (20 tests)
Fluorecare FOB- Fecal Occult Blood – Quantitative (20 tests)
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