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The section contains Rapid Tests.
Adenovirus Ag -CAV- Type 1 and Type 2 (10 tests)
Anaplasma Ab (10 tests)
Babesia gibsoni (10 tests)
Calicivirus Ag -FCV- (10 tests)
Canine Blood Group Typing A – B – AB (10 tests)
Canine Parvovirus Ag (10 tests)
Coronavirus Ag -CCV- (10 tests)
Coronavirus Ag -FCoV- (10 tests)
Coronavirus Feline Ab -FCoV Ab- (10 tests)
Distemper Ag -CDV- (10 tests)
Distemper Ag + Parvovirus Ag (10 tests)
Ehrlichia Ab + Dirofilaria Ag + Lyme Borrelia Ab + Anaplasma Ab (4tests x 10profiles)
Ehrlichia Ab + Leishmania Ab (2tests x 10profiles)
Ehrlichia Ab Canina (10 tests)
Feline Blood Group Typing A – B – AB (10 tests)
FIV Ab + FELV Ag (2 tests x 10 profiles)
Giardia Ag + Coronavirus Ag + Parvovirus Ag (3tests x 10profiles)
Giardia Ag for cysts and parasite (2tests x 10profiles)
Heartworm Ag -cHW- (10 tests)
Herpes Virus Ag -FHV- (10 tests)
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