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Showing 1–20 of 376 results
.ROCHE Cobas E411 Rack automatic immunometry analyzer
Albumin (12×21 mL)
Alkaline Detergent (2 Lt)
Alkaline Phosphatase (6×59 + 6×17 mL)
Anaplasma Ab (10 tests)
Antithrombin III (40 + 10 mL)
ASO (R1 1×56 R2 1×19 + 1 mL)
ASO-ASLO IIgen (150 test)
Aso-Crp-Rf Control (6×1 mL)
B-HCG Rapid test (40 tests)
B-HCG urine Self Test (1 test)
C3 (40+10 mL)
C4 (40+10 mL)
Calcium (12×20 mL)
Calprotectin 50/200 (10 tests)
Candida Albicans Swab (10 tests)
Canine Parvovirus Ag (10 tests)
Chlorine (10×20 mL)
Cholesterol (9×70 mL)
Cholinesterase (6×20 + 3×11 mL)
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