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Showing 1–20 of 349 results
Roche Cobas E411 - E601 - Modular
.ROCHE Cobas E411 Rack automatic immunometry analyzer
.ULTRONA Urine Analyzer
Disinfection and Disposable
Absorbent Cotton (1 kg)
Rapid Tests
Adenovirus Ag -CAV- Type 1 and Type 2 (10 tests)
Microbiology Vet
Aidmics iSPERM and iPAD 5 Mini animal spermiogram reader
Albumin Bovine 22% (10 mL)
Anti AB (10 mL)
Hemostasis for Coagulation Instruments
APTT SI+ Calcium Chloride (10×4+10×4 mL)
Roche Cobas Integra, Modular e serie C reagents
ASO-ASLO IIgen (150 test)
Disposable and other tests
Automatic Lancets Needles 26G (100 pieces)
Babesia gibsoni (10 tests)
Hematology - Reagents for Vet
BC2800 Vet Thermal Paper 50×20 mm (1 piece)
Rapid Diagnostic Tests
Biofast HD Helicobacter Pylori from Biopsy (6 tests)
Consumable and other
Biolis Reaction Cuvette (60 pieces)
Bufferin Lipo Serum Buffer Genio E Microtech 648 (1 liter)
Calibrating Plasma (10×1 mL)
Calicivirus Ag -FCV- (10 tests)
Calprotectin Cassette (10 tests)
Canine Blood Group Typing A – B – AB (10 tests)
Chlamydia Rapid tests Cassette Swabs Urine (20 tests)