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Showing 1–20 of 31 results
.Delta Biologicals Mago 4S Automatic Touch Screen for microplates
17 Alpha OH Progesterone (96 tests)
90 Mediterranean Food Intolerances (3 Patients x 90 tests)
Androstenedione (96 tests)
Anti Deamidated Gliadin IgA (96 tests)
Anti Deamidated Gliadin IgG (96 tests)
Antitransglutaminase IgA (96 tests)
Antitransglutaminase IgG (96 tests)
Citomegalovirus IgG (96 tests)
Citomegalovirus IgM (96 tests)
HBcAb (96 tests)
HBe Ag and Ab (96 tests)
HBsAg One Step (96 tests)
HCV (96 tests)
Helicobacter pylori IgG (96 tests)
Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 IgM (96 tests)
Herpes Simplex 1 IgG (96 tests)
Herpes Simplex 2 IgG (96 tests)
IgE Base (96 tests)
IgE Standard 8 Curve (1 piece)
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