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Showing 1–20 of 70 results
.Delta Biologicals Mago 4S Automatic Touch Screen for microplates
Blood Gas Wondfo BGA-102
.Wondfo BGA-102 Blood Gas Analyzer
Finecare Plus Vet FIA
.Wondfo Finecare PLUS VET (YG-101) FIA monotest
Coagulation Wondfo
.Wondfo NX-102 Optical Coagulation Analyzer for VET with printer
Coagulation Wondfo OCG-102
.Wondfo OCG-102 Optical Coagulation Analyzer
Blood Gas Wondfo XQ-101
.Wondfo XQ-101 Blood Gas Analyzer
17 Alpha OH Progesterone (96 tests)
90 Mediterranean Food Intolerances (3 Patients x 90 tests)
Androstenedione (96 tests)
Anti Deamidated Gliadin IgA (96 tests)
Anti Deamidated Gliadin IgG (96 tests)
Antitransglutaminase IgA (96 tests)
Antitransglutaminase IgG (96 tests)
Citomegalovirus IgG (96 tests)
Citomegalovirus IgM (96 tests)
Finecare Canine and Feline Cortisol (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Coronavirus -cCV Ag- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Cystatin-C -cCys-C- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Distemper Virus -cDV Ag- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Distemper Virus IgG -cDV Ab- (10 tests)