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Showing 1–20 of 56 results
.Wondfo BGA-102 Blood Gas Analyzer
.Wondfo Finecare PLUS VET (YG-101) FIA monotest
.Wondfo NX-102 Optical Coagulation Analyzer for VET with printer
.Wondfo OCG-102 Optical Coagulation Analyzer
.Wondfo XQ-101 Blood Gas Analyzer
BC2800 Vet Thermal Paper 50×20 mm (1 piece)
Finecare Canine and Feline Cortisol (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Coronavirus -cCV Ag- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Cystatin-C -cCys-C- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Distemper Virus -cDV Ag- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Distemper Virus IgG -cDV Ab- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Infectious Hepatitis IgG -ICH Ab- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Parvovirus -cPV Ag- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Progesterone -cProg- (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Reactive Protein C cCRP (10 tests)
Finecare Canine Specific Pancreatic Lipase -cPL- (10 tests)
Finecare D-Dimer Canine and Feline (10 tests)
Finecare Equine Amyloid A Serum -eSAA- (10 tests)
Finecare Feline & Canine SDMA (10 tests)
Finecare Feline Amyloid A Serum -fSAA- (10 tests)
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