BioSystems A25 is a Clinical Chemistry ad Turbidimetry automatic biochemistry. Throughput of 240 test/hour, 30 refrigerated positions by 20 and 50 mL reagents bottles, refrigeration system with switch independent from analyser, 3 positions without refrigeration for sample and reagent racks, 24 samples per rack. Maximum capacity of 72 samples, Maximum capacity of 52 reagents, Low dead volume sample and reagent, Impact detection system, Recalibration automatic positioning of needle, Primary tubes or pediatric cups as sample containers, Unlimited STAT capabi1ities. Run at anytime, Reaction volume between 200 and 800 uL, Hard Coating Filter (340, 405, 505, 535, 560, 600, 635, 670nm), Automatic conditioning of system fluid.
.BioSystems A 25 Refurbished
BioSystems A25 is a Clinical Chemistry ad Turbidimetry automatic biochemistry. Throughput of 240 test/hour, 30 refrigerated positions by 20 and 50 mL reagents bottles, refrigeration system with switch independent from analyser, 3 positions without refrigeration for sample and reagent racks, 24 samples per rack. Maximum capacity of 72 samples, Maximum capacity of 52 reagents, Low dead volume sample and reagent, Impact detection system, Recalibration automatic positioning of needle, Primary tubes or pediatric cups as sample containers, Unlimited STAT capabi1ities. Run at anytime, Reaction volume between 200 and 800 uL, Hard Coating Filter (340, 405, 505, 535, 560, 600, 635, 670nm), Automatic conditioning of system fluid.