CV5 Health Checking Plus (10 rotors)

Rotors dedicated to the clinical chemistry instrument Celercare V3-V5, for the simultaneous determination of the following 19 tests:ALB (Albumin),GLO (Globuline),ALPHA AMYLASE (Amylase),K+ (Ionic potassium), ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase), Na+ (ionic sodium), ALT (GPT), Na+/K+ (sodium-potassium ratio), BUN (Urea), P (Phosphorus), BUN/CRE (Urea and Creatinine ratio), TBA (Total Bile Acids), CA (Calcium), TBIL (Total Bilirubin), CHOL (Cholesterol), TP (Total Protein), CRE (Creatinine), ALB/GLO (albumin and globulin ratio), GLU (Glucose).

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Original Ref.Code: 212074Packaging: 10 Rotors SKU: 313107 Category: Brand: