CV5 Liver Profile (10 rotors)

Rotors dedicated to the clinical chemistry instrument Celercare V3-V5, for simultaneous determination of the following 13 tests:ALB (Albumin)GGT (Gamma GT)ALB/GLO (ratio)GLO (Globuline)ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)IBIL (Indirect Bilirubin)ALT (Alanine transferase)TBA (Total Biliary Acids)AST (Aspartate amino transferase)TBIL (Total Bilirubin)AST/ALT (Ratio)TP (Total Proteins)DBIL (Direct Bilirubin).

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Original Ref.Code: 02.01.2274Packaging: 10 Rotors SKU: 313111 Category: Brand: