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Showing 281–300 of 309 results
Other POCT
Nemesys Strep A II Semiquantitative (100 tests)
Disposable and other tests
Nt-proBNP Rapid (10 tests)
Ovulation LH (Self Testing) (5 tests)
Rapid Tests
Parvovirus Ab Cimurro Ab Adenovirus Ab (3test x 10profiles)
Parvovirus Ag (10 tests)
Parvovirus Borrelia Ag + Cytomegalovirus Ag (2 tests x 10 profiles)
Roche Cobas E411 - E601 - Modular
Precicontrol TG-Ab TPO-Ab TSHR-Ab (2x2x2 mL)
Rapid Diagnostic Tests
Quick Strep B (20 tests)
Rapid D-dimer (10 tests)
Rapid HBsAg (40 tests)
Rapid Myoglobin (10 tests)
Rapid Syphilis (40 tests)
Rapid Vaginal pH (Self Testing) (1 test)
Rapid Vaginal Trichomonas (10 tests)
Saliva Alcohol Test (50 tests)
Roche Cobas Integra, Modular e serie C reagents
Sample Cups (20×250 pz)
Serum Amyloid A Ag -fSAA Ag- (10 tests)
Strep A (20 tests)
Syphilis (100 test)
Tacrolimus (100 test)