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Showing 21–40 of 151 results
Siemens Advia Centaur
Centaur Cleaning Solution (12×100 mL)
Centaur Cortisol (50 tests)
Centaur Cuvette Centaur-CentaurCP (3.000 pieces)
Centaur DHEA-S with Calibrator (50 tests)
Centaur Digoxin (50 tests)
Centaur Estradiol Enhanced (100 tests)
Centaur Estradiol Enhanced Calibrator 30 (2x2x2 mL)
Centaur Ferritin (250 tests)
Centaur Ferritin and Vitamin B12 Calibrator C (2x2x5 mL)
Centaur Folate with Calibrator (100 tests)
Centaur FSH (100 tests)
Centaur FT3 (50 tests)
Centaur FT4 (50 tests)
Centaur HAV Ab IgM with Calibrator (100 tests)
Centaur HAV Ab Total with Calibrator (100 tests)
Centaur HBc Total with Calibrator (100 tests)
Centaur HbeAb (50 tests)
Centaur HBsAb II Gen with Calibrator (200 tests)
Centaur HCG Diluent (2×25 mL)
Centaur HCG Enhanced (250 tests)