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Showing 41–60 of 270 results
Cobas Integra Microcuvette (20.000 pieces)
Cobas Integra Phenobarbital (200 tests)
Cobas Iron (200 tests)
Cobas ISE Activator (9×12 mL)
Cobas ISE Chloride Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Diluent (5×300 mL)
Cobas ISE Potassium Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Reference (5×300 mL)
Cobas ISE Reference Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Sodium Electrode (1 piece)
Cobas ISE Standard (5×600 mL)
Cobas ISE Standard High (10×3 mL)
Cobas ISE Standard Low (10×3 mL)
Cobas LDH IFCC (300 tests)
Cobas LDL Cholesterol III Gen (200 tests)
Cobas Lipase (200 tests)
Cobas Magnesium (250 tests)
Cobas Modular Standard False Bottom Tube (2.000 pieces)
Cobas NaOH-D (2×1.800 mL)
Cobas NaOH-D Cleaner 1 (1×50 mL)
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