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Showing 41–60 of 222 results
Cholesterol HDL (65+20 mL)
Cholesterol LDL (65+20 mL)
Cholinesterase (2×50+20 mL)
Cholinesterase (6×20 + 3×11 mL)
CK MB (1×40 + 1×10 mL)
CK NAC (6×40 + 6×12 mL)
CK-MB (65+15 mL)
CK-MB Cal. (2×1 mL)
CK-MB Calibrator (2×1 mL)
CK-MB Control (2×1 mL)
CK-NAC (65+18 mL)
Control Normal Serum (6×5 mL)
Control Pathological Serum (6×5 mL)
Copper (4×3 mL)
Copper (5×10+3 mL)
Creatinine (3×65+3×65 mL)
Creatinine (4×70 + 4×70 mL)
Creatinine Enzymatic (2×50+2×18 mL)
CRP Calibrator (7×2 mL)
CRP Canine Control (2×1 mL)
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