Urinal strips for the Urit UC-32B Vet The strip performs the following parameters: WBC=Leukocytes, KET=Ketones, URO=Urobilinogen, BIL=Bilirubin, PRO=Urinary proteins, GLU=Glucose, SG=Specific weight, BLD=Blood, pH, VC=Ascorbic acid, CR=Urinary creatinin, CA=Calcium, MA=Microalbumin + PU/CU (urinary proteins on urinary creatinins). The package is 50 tests
UC-32B Vet13 Plus urinary strips (50 tests)
Urinal strips for the Urit UC-32B Vet. The strip performs the following parameters: WBC, KET, URO, BIL, PRO, GLU, SG, BLD, pH, VC, CR=, CA, MA + PU/CU.